Service Offering - Biotechnology Investment Programme Management
Biotechnology investments because of the scale of investment and the leadtime to commercial production have to be viewed differently than traditional pharmaceutical investments. The scale of some current investments is not far from that “Bet the Corporation” metaphor. The timelines of such investments is that the decision to invest has to be made earlier than ever in the product development life cycle, and indeed before there even is a product. Once the decision to invest is made, a significant programme management challenge is created. The bio and pharmaceutical consulting network with its extensive experience in bio-technology start-up is well positioned to support such activity.
Engagement Option s :
- Programme management, including plan development, phase determination, phase exit criteria determination, design of risk review mechanisms, steering committee design, and ongoing execution review.
- Decision analysis for location choice.
- Organizational design and development.
- Procedure and process development
- System deployment
Typical Sponsor
- Site Managing Director or Group Operations Director or VP