Services to the Medical Devices sector

The medical device industry carries an interesting mixture of issues bearing similarity to those faced in both pharmaceuticals and technology. It carries the velocity and cost dynamics of the technology sector, while the innovation, regulatory and distribution dimensions bear many parallels with the pharmaceutical sector. Mergers and acquisitions in the sector are frequent. Outsourcing and offshoring of operations to lower cost economies is a potent issue is several of the sub-sectors. There is also a significant trade between companies in the sector operating at differing supply tiers, with consequent long supply chains, and the resultant difficulties deriving from not having end to end visibility.

While medical devices carries significant diversity of production processes across sub sectors such as catheters/stents, electronic implants/pacemakers/ICDs, orthopaedic implants/joints, breast implants, diagnostic kits and reagents, hospital products, surgical instruments and hearing aids, etc. if one reviews the cross sectoral trends, common themes emerge:

In this environment, companies need to enhance their ability to innovate and compete along all dimensions of the business. Orbsen Consulting can help medical device and other healthcare companies face this challenge. Selected examples are as follows:


Orbsen has deep competencies in several functional areas and business sectors. Orbsen offers structured services aimed at creating value for client organizations by addressing a broad range of client needs.

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